Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Moment of Truth - Part 2

I've been thinking some more about lying. I remember years ago getting into a discussion with some coworkers about how many lies would make a person a liar? Was it 10? 100? Or was it maybe just 1? I later asked my dad what he thought the answer was. He quickly said, "None." Huh? I was confused. If you never told a lie, how could you be a liar? He explained...we are liars in our hearts. We lie to ourselves every day. Again, he hit home the point that sin is a heart issue. Jeremiah 17:9 says The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? In Philippians 3 Paul claims that with regard to legalistic righteousness, he was flawless. Outwardly, he appeared to be living right but he knew it was what was in his heart that matters. What are the lies you tell yourself? May I make some suggestions from my own heart?

I'm fine.

I would never do THAT.

I deserve more.

I know it's wrong but it's not that big a deal, everybody's doing it.

It's not my fault.

I can't help it.

I'll start exercising tomorrow. :)

Can you identify? Honestly? When looking at our own depravity we need to acknowledge the truth. Only then can we really understand grace. My dad always says, "Cheer up, it's worse than you think." On the flip side, God's grace is even greater than we know. He is the God of truth. Jesus says, "I tell you the truth..." at least 78 times in the gospels. Ephesians 6 reminds us to put on the belt of truth every day. So what is the truth?

I'm a mess.

I would do THAT.

I deserve hell.

It's wrong, it's a big deal, and not everybody is doing it.

I knew exactly what I was doing and I did it anyway.

If I exercise tomorrow, it will be a miracle.

And the greatest truth for those whose only hope is in Christ? John 19:30 It is finished.


Anonymous said...

You are well on your way to writing a bible study! :) Your blogs are great girl! Thanks again for another convicting message. Very thought provoking,truthful and full of wisdom. Thanks for sharing-
Mandy LeMay

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was really powerful. Thanks for sharing! I have always found such great encouragement after feeling utterly helpless based on the deceitfulness of my own heart in 1 John 3:19-20:"This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence 20whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything." Praise the Lord that He alone knows my heart and is greater than the deceit that lies therein...