I didn’t even have to make cupcakes for Annie’s class party, I just thought it would be something fun to do. If you can read between the lines, actually I had a sweet tooth and craving for white cake with buttercream icing. Gosh, I hope I’m not pregnant. Basically I let my four year old Annie pour and sift and stir. Once the cupcakes and icing were made I actually got out a pastry bag and tip (I know, Martha Stewart look out) and iced the cupcakes. I gave Annie some decorative sprinkles and colored sugars and let her have at it. I figure this means I’m a good mom because I’m not too proud to send my kid to her MOPS valentine party with imperfect cupcakes. I started doing some other things around the house (watching Oprah), and after a few minutes looked over to find my child with a spreader, “spreading” the icing. Okay, maybe I’m not that laid back. She was ruining my beautiful piping after all and I didn’t want anyone to think I did that! So only about five were damaged and she went back to the sprinkling. After several more minutes I looked over to discover she’s licking the spreader. I thought she was being sneaky and spreading again and asked her to stop. She looked sheepish and said with a grin, “Sorry Mom.” A couple hours later I decided I should put the cupcakes away and only then did I notice that she had scooped the center of each cupcake with her spreader and licked the icing off, effectively removing the beautiful rosette from each center and contaminating each cupcake. See one victim and the weapon of mass destruction below. (Notice the one-sided decorating)
So, needless to say, no one outside this house can eat the cupcakes and I can’t let her eat them all and I can’t (gasp!) throw them away! So again, I’ve eaten cupcakes for breakfast and lunch. For dinner I’m thinking, I don’t know…something pink?
The answer to your question is, yes! I can also add cheesecake minis to the fruit and vegetable categories. We had a guest come hit with Phillip a couple of weeks ago. He wanted cheesecake minis but I had none. He came to hit again a couple of days ago and this time I was prepared. He is a big fella so I decided that I needed to bake at least 2 dozen. Well, things happened and the minis did not get much attention. I had 2 for lunch yesterday as a side with my chicken. One dozen are strawberry flavored so I figured those would be considered a fruit. I ate a couple of those between meals. I feel extremely healthy now.
I know you like reality shows. I tell you what I am hooked on. The Real Housewives of Orange County on BRAVO. BRAVO is now coming out with The Real Housewives of New York on March 4th. I saw a preview but not sure how this one will be. The California ladies look more fun but I will check it out.
I've had the same experience over the years.....thus the extra poundage on my bod! Of course I don't sweat and work out, so it sticks! Connie
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