Sunday, April 20, 2008

Long Day

This is what you get when you play outside ALL day and don't get a nap.


Amy Lafayett said...

That is soooo precious. She is such a trooper!!! It's that second child, I tell ya. . . they don't want to miss ANY of the action!

Susan said...

So sweet! I love how they are just falling over tired- about to fall asleep in their food and they still won't admit they are tired. :) Aidan is like that too- Amy must be right- has to be a second child thing.

Montee said...

LOL! Children are always afraid they'll miss something. Brett still does this and he's 16!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was laughing HYSTERICALLY! That was so funny! I loved it when you yelled, "Charlie, look at mommie!" and she just barely looked up. AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

sooo cute! You should send that to America's funniest videos!!

Paula B. said...

Too cute!